Sunday, 9 September 2018

Chickens smile despite their beaks!

Chi-Chi, my pet hen

You can quote me as I speak
Chickens smile despite their beaks
Look how she walks and talks and stares
See how she jumps and shows she cares
Listen to her serenade
Think of how they’ve danced and played
Their little toes don’t skip a beat
Happiness permeates their feet.
Up into your lap they hop
Snuggling right into your top.
I feel their combs warm near my skin
I really feel like chicken kin
Watching my hens all the while
I swear to you that they can smile (even in winter!)

 Wouldn’t my chooks just be surprised if we really did have a snowy winter here in South Africa!

 Kiep visiting her nest in my studio

 The serious business of laying an egg

 The egg has been laid and it's time to go back to the garden!