Saturday, 24 December 2022

Micky is pragtig en plomp!


  🖤 Micky, my Bantam-kruis-Silkie hen 🖤 

Elke oggend betree die trotse hoenderhaan die hoenderhok.   Saggies soen hy nege van tien henne. Maar van die tiende hoenderhen pluk hy ‘n veer. So gaan dit aan van dag tot dag…. die nege gesoende hoenders is bly, en die tiende hoender dra die pyn geduldig. 

Maar op die 14de dag  het die  hoenderhen nou genoeg van hierdie prosedure  gehad en sy skree vir die haan:  “Jy kom elke oggend breëbors  hier ingestap en soen  al die nege ander henne. Maar by my pluk jy  ‘n veer! Wat's jou plan?!“

Die haan fluister in haar oor: 

"Vir jou wil ek kaalgat sien, Skattie!"


Sunday, 12 May 2019

Mother's Day wisdom

All Mothers who can identify with this, please raise your hands!

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Chickens smile despite their beaks!

Chi-Chi, my pet hen

You can quote me as I speak
Chickens smile despite their beaks
Look how she walks and talks and stares
See how she jumps and shows she cares
Listen to her serenade
Think of how they’ve danced and played
Their little toes don’t skip a beat
Happiness permeates their feet.
Up into your lap they hop
Snuggling right into your top.
I feel their combs warm near my skin
I really feel like chicken kin
Watching my hens all the while
I swear to you that they can smile (even in winter!)

 Wouldn’t my chooks just be surprised if we really did have a snowy winter here in South Africa!

 Kiep visiting her nest in my studio

 The serious business of laying an egg

 The egg has been laid and it's time to go back to the garden!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Farm talk - Goodbye Micky

A photograph of my pet hen, Micky, in my garden, taken with a Canon EOS 550D – Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa

It’s been a very sad weekend for me, my beautiful little Micky died of unknown causes. She wasn’t old, no injuries and hadn’t been ill. It’s a total mystery to me, but one possible explanation could be that she ate a frog. I’ve lost chickens before when they ate frogs, which they absolutely love, but the slimy-ness and toxicity of some frogs’ skins means certain death. I’ve fenced my pond with small wire so that they don’t get out and into the garden, but frogs have a magical way of appearing out of nowhere in search of a new water spot.

R.I.P little Micky, you are sorely missed.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Snoodles on a field trip

As soon as Snoodles was big enough, we’d go on field trips through the garden and my wildlife pond area, where she would investigate every nook and cranny, delighting in catching the odd insect. Here she hopped on a rock, chasing after a Dragonfly. Good luck with that Snoodles!

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Kiep and her red bandana

Kiep, wearing her red bandana around her neck, ready to deliver this morning’s breakfast. Her nest is in my studio, on one of my art tables. She grew up here in my studio since I rescued her as a day-old 18 months ago after being abandoned by her mother. She now spends her days outside with all the other chickens, but daily, without fail, she returns to her nest to lay her egg and spend some time sitting in the bottom drawer of my desk, chatting to me.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Artemis in full, glorious colour

Artemis keeping a watchful eye on all his hens (that’s Missy hiding there behind his tail feathers). He has just finished moulting and is sporting his brand-new coat, much to the delight of all the girls!

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Missy, the hen

This is Missy, the newest addition to my menagerie in my Studio. She was sick for a couple of days, so I brought her inside to tend to her and now, after a full recovery, she has also chosen the studio as her second home, a place to come and rest for a while, and to lay her eggs under a table hosting some of my art equipment. She’s also very taken with Artemis, Kiep’s husband, and the three of them will spend hours together while he scratches up some titbits for them.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Artemis surveying his domain

Artemis on his favourite perch, a dried out stump, from where he can keep a watchful eye on all the girls. Nothing escapes his attention, especially if Peeps gets to close to any of the ladies. His wrath is unparalleled, flying down in fury, at which stage Peeps makes sure he is not nearby, taking refuge behind some shrubs. But young Peeps is growing up fast and I’m dreading the day when he will no longer flee and turn to face Artemis head on. That’s inevitable, as two roosters with only five girls is looking for trouble.